Brother Francisco Javier Carvallo, O.P. is appointed President of the Faculty of Theology “San Esteban” in Salamanca.

Bruno Cador, O.P. Master of the Order and Grand Chancellor appointed and instituted (4 January 2019) Brother Francisco Javier Carvallo, O.P. PRESIDENT of the Faculty of Theology “San Esteban” in Salamanca.

This nomination is done after obtaining the approval and confirmation of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

Francisco Javier Carballo holds a doctorate in philosophy and a bachelor’s degree in theology. He studied philosophy and theology in Valladolid (Instituto Superior de Filosofa) and in Salamanca (Facultad de Teologa de San Esteban); he obtained a degree in theology at ” la Universidad Pontificia Comillas” in Madrid and, after a two-year stay in Chicago, a doctorate in philosophy at ” la Universidad Complutense ” of Madrid. He was ordained a priest on May 1, 1993.

From 1998 to 2006, he was prior and pastor of the parish of Santo Cristo del Olivar in the Lavapis district of Madrid, and archpriest of the region (2002-2006). Since 2002, he is also a professor at the Faculty of Theology of San Esteban in Salamanca and at the School of Theology on the Internet, as well as director of the theological journal “Ciencia Tomista” (2004-2006).

From 2006 to 2015, he was Prior Provincial of the Spanish Province of the Dominicans.

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