Even in darkness, God can accomplish his great works: from the act of Creation over the dark and formless void, to the Exodus from Egypt after the evening of the Passover; then, at Bethlehem, the Lord Jesus was born in the darkness of night; He gave us the Eucharist and the priesthood on that fateful evening at the cenacle; When he died on the Cross, “darkness covered the earth.” He lay in the darkness of the tomb; on the third day, while it was still dark, He rose from the dead.
The darkness of Jesus’ tomb invites us to entrust ourselves to the Father in our darkest moments, to entrust ourselves to a God who accompanies us and precedes us, because this God draws sense out of senselessness, hope out of hopelessness,victory out of defeat, life out of death.
Fraternal best wishes for a grace-filled Easter!
fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, O.P.
Master of the Order