With the theme “Migration, rights and human drama”, the Justice and Peace Meeting organised by CIDALC was held in Guatemala City from 22 to 28 July, with the presence of the General Promoter of Justice and Peace and Permanent Delegate to the United Nations, Brother Aniedi Okure, OP. The meeting was attended by Justice and Peace promoters from CIDALC and CODALC from Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela.
This meeting was an enriching space in which the topic of the human scourge of migration was addressed, reflecting on its causes and consequences, and on the policies and perspectives from the universal and Latin American magisterium, with the collaboration of Bro Gonzalo Ituarte, OP, Licentiate Carmelita Ixcol, Cardinal Álvaro Ramazzini and Bro Aniedi Okure, OP, as speakers and facilitators.
The dynamics of team work allowed us to mark the route and the lines of action to be worked on in the different missions and apostolates of the Dominican Family at the service of our Latin American and Caribbean peoples, from a synodal perspective, walking together in common projects that contribute to the life and mission of the Order in support of our migrant brothers and sisters.