A Tavola con San Domenico

Call for photographs

On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the death of Saint Dominic, an exhibition in the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna will give the public the opportunity to discover the oldest known portrait of Saint Dominic, painted around 1238 and representing the founder of the Order of Preachers at the table with 48 brothers. In addition, fourteen banners showing Dominicans at table today will be hung in the naves of the basilica. The aim is to show contemporary evocations of the Dominican family in its diversity and universality to the pilgrims who will be visiting the basilica during the jubilee year. The organizers of the exhibition “A Tavola con San Domenico” therefore invite everyone to send them photographs of Dominican nuns, laity, sisters or brothers from the five continents gathered around a table, working, having a meal or celebrating liturgy.

Technical requirements :

  • Photos, colour or black and white, taken after November 1st 2019;
  • High resolution digital photographs only;
  • Royalty-free, including for written publication, provided the name of the photographer is mentioned;
  • Written consent of the persons pictured in the photo;
  • Proposals should be sent electronically to fr Alain Arnould OP: s.eursoc@curia.op.org before July 1st 2020.

All photos will be reviewed by a jury, who will select 14 of them. These will be enlarged, printed on textile and suspended in the central nave of the basilica San Domenico in Bologna between March and October 2021.

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Contact info

 Piazza Pietro d'Illiria, 1 | 00153 Roma | Italy



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