The Contribution of Women is Fundamental for a Church that Seeks Renewal

The Contribution of Women is Fundamental for a Church that Seeks Renewal

Interview with Sister Rosmery Castañeda Montoya, OP, who participated in the work of the Synod on Synodality. “Dominicanes in synodi coetu de synodalitate” “The contribution of women is fundamental for a Church that desires renewal in accordance with its origins”, declaresSister Rosmery Castañeda Montoya, OP, in the following interview granted to the media of Ordo Praedicatorum, Sr Rosemery, who participated in the Synod on Synodality, recalls the…

My Synodal Experience

My Synodal Experience

In 2004, a Congress for Religious Life was held in Rome, organized by the UISG and USG. It featured diverse religious leaders and focused on group discussions and synodal experiences. Similar methods were used in the 2023-2024 Synod, fostering inclusive dialogue and participation.

Promoters of Abundance

Promoters of Abundance

Our brothers like to welcome promising new vocations, but very few are comfortable promoting them. Such is the reason Brother Juan Manuel Hernandez, OP, General Promoter for Formation, invited the vocation promoters from every province of the Order to Rome. We shared best practices and principles for preparing ourselves to welcome new vocations – young men whom the Lord is…

Brother Felix’s Works Teach Us about God and Saint Dominic

Brother Felix’s Works Teach Us about God and Saint Dominic

Br Félix Hernández, OP, creates complex artwork evoking emotion and reflection, serving religious expression. Using contemporary language, he invites discovery of human identity as spiritual beings, addressing difficult themes and connecting the contemporary world with its needs.

Welcoming the Jubilee as Pilgrims of Hope

Welcoming the Jubilee as Pilgrims of Hope

Vita Consacrata – Iubilaeum 2025 Those in Consecrated Life, like all other members of the Church, are called to live a time of preparation for the Holy Year 2025. It is an opportunity given to us as consecrated men and women in the Church to consider our vocation and to rediscover its beauty. We are also invited to rethink all…

“Many are enthusiastic about synodality, but not everyone”

“Many are enthusiastic about synodality, but not everyone”

Interview with Bro Timothy Radcliffe, OP, who preached the retreat for bishops from around the world participating in the Synod. “Many brothers are enthusiastic about synodality, but not all. Some see it as a waste of time. But we all have a duty to the Church to give it as much support as we honestly can. Open disagreement is fine.”  Timothy…

Dominicans Continue to Sow the Gospel in Society

Dominicans Continue to Sow the Gospel in Society

An Interview with Fr. Vito Tomás Gómez García, OP, Master of Sacred Theology (Magister in Sacra Theologia) The degree of Master of Sacred Theology “is a great stimulus that obliges me to offer to the Order in the Church all my efforts, with the purpose of continuing to work for the sowing of the Gospel in society,” says Brother Vito…

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