One of the most ancient pilgrimages to date is the one dedicated to the Holy Mary of the Grotto in Rabat Malta. The pilgrimage is organised by the Parish of Porto Salvo and St.Dominic in Valletta Malta and it dates back to 1883. With the contribution of Friar Anġ Portelli who was later appointed as an Auxiliary Bishop, the pilgrimage started to be organised yearly. Starting near the Parish Church in Valletta around 5.00am, the pilgrimage is accompanied by the Blessed prayer of the Holy Rosary. Upon arrival at the Grotto in Rabat the Pilgrims used to chant the Te-Deum.
Along the years, the pilgrimage lost it’s authenticity, until a few years ago when a group of youths, part of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic in Valletta Malta and under the guidance of Fr.Michael Camilleri O.P., Parish Priest of the Basilica of Portu Salvo re-initiated this beautiful tradition again. The pilgrimage is organised during the third weekend of October; being the month dedicated to the Blessed Rosary. 2021 being a significant year for all the Dominicans around the world as we celebrated the 800 years from the death of our Patron Saint Saint Dominic, the Pilgrimage was held on Sunday 17th October 2021.
The group started from Valletta around 4.45am, praying the Holy Rosary all the way to Rabat. Reaching Rabat around 8.00am, the group went down to the Grotto and recited the Salve Regina. Mass was celebrated, together with the Rabat Dominican Community. After Mass both communities socialised over a cup of coffee and traditional cheese and peacakes.
We would like to thank all those involved in making this possible. We are committed to continue to strive in maintaining this tradition together as a group. An opportunity to keep alive the prayer of the Holy Rosary and keep growing socially together.
Lay Fraternity of St.Dominic in Valletta, Malta.