Novena to St. Margaret of Città di Castello

Revised by br. Gianni Festa

Day 1

O Saint Margaret, who lived life’s trials with patience and trust and turned the wounds of your disabilities into an opportunity to save your soul and the souls of others, intercede for me that I may be granted the grace to recognise God’s will in every circumstance of my life and the strength to accept it.

May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.

 “Oh God, who illumined the heart of Saint Margaret with Your light, and welcomed her into Your fatherly embrace, we beseech you: be our light so that we may not be lost in the darkness of the world, and may reach you where the light shines eternally: with Christ Jesus our Lord.

O Lord, we beseech You to glorify the humble Saint Margaret and grant us all that we ask of You for Your honour and glory and the salvation of our souls. Pater, Ave and Gloria.

Saint Margaret, pray for us!

Day 2

Saint Margaret, meditating on the Passion of Our Crucified Lord, you found the courage and strength to bear great afflictions. Help me to bear bodily pain in imitation of the suffering Jesus.
May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.
Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 3

Saint Margaret, who loved Jesus intensely and profoundly in the Saint Sacrament, you who drew strength, faith and charity from intimacy with the Divine Presence, help me to draw from the same inexhaustible source the grace of strength and understanding and kindness towards others.
May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.
Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 4

Saint Margaret, who from daily prayer drew the strength to face life’s trials, help me to obtain the grace to persevere in prayer, trusting in God’s help in the dark moments of my life.

May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.

Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 5

Saint Margaret, who nurtured a boundless tenderness and love for the Child Jesus, whom you imitated in the practice of obedience to the Father’s will, help me to adhere wholeheartedly and sincerely to the divine will, for my salvation and happiness.

May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.

Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 6

Saint Margaret, it was your suffering that led you to discover the redemptive significance of the frailty of human nature. May I obtain the grace to recognise my weakness and to understand how great my dependence on God is, and may I abandon myself completely to His loving Providence.

May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.

Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 7

Saint Margaret, who did not give in to discouragement and bitterness, but instead turned your gaze to the sufferings of Christ, intercede with Him that grace may descend upon me and teach me patient endurance.

May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.

Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 8

Saint Margaret, how great your sorrow must have been when you were abandoned by your parents! And yet, out of that pain came mindful love and affection for those who had begotten and rejected you, and whom you never ceased to love.

Give me the gift of being able to love those who have hurt me and to forgive them as Jesus taught us to do.

May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.

Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 9

Saint Margaret, it was suffering and pain that sharpened your generous sensitivity towards the suffering. To you, gentle friend of the sick, the hungry, the dying, and the prisoners, I address my prayer. Intercede that I too may be able to recognise Jesus in others and that he may love the poor, the marginalised and those whom the world rejects.

May I be granted the grace I am asking for thanks to your intercession and prayer.

Oh God, who has enlightened us with Thy Light … etc. (as on the 1st day)

Day 10

The novena ends with participation in Holy Mass and reception of the Holy Eucharist in union with Bl. Margaret, who was greatly devoted to the Saint Sacrament. Then the prayer to Saint Margaret is recited, imploring her protection and her intercession with the Lord.


Saint Margaret, who in the darkness of your blindness found true light; in your physical deformity showed the beauty of love and joy; and from being rejected became a support for the marginalised without giving in to resentment: obtain for us freedom from all earthly attachments and from indifference, so that we may become rich in faith and love. We pray to you for all those who bear in their bodies the suffering of disability, so that, with your example, your help and also with our support, they may discover the many abilities that flow from their charity. You, who received the Holy Family in your heart, make our families welcome life and be attentive to those who are alone. Saint Margaret, teach us to love. Pray for us. Amen

Pater, Ave and Gloria.

Saint Margaret, pray for us.

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