United Nations
“Dominicans for Justice and Peace” (Order of Preachers) represents the Dominican Order at the United Nations (UN). Since only Non-Governmental Associations (NGOs) are allowed to gain accreditation in the UN, this NGO was created in 1998 by the International Dominican Justice and Peace Commission and endorsed by the General Council of the Order as a Permanent Delegation of the Order at the UN, with its seat in Geneva. Dominicans for Justice and Peace obtained official recognition when it was granted Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC) in 2002.
Overall, the Delegation is dedicated to the promotion of the Good News of justice and peace in the world, proclaimed by Jesus Christ and concretised in the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church, as an integral element of the Order’s mission to preach the Truth. With a presence in over 120 countries, Dominicans are involved in many fields of action related to justice and peace, such as : struggles against land grabbing and pollution by multinationals or large industries, defence of indigenous rights, support for vulnerable or street children, refugees and people displaced by war, struggles against corruption, prostitution and trafficking in persons, empowerment of women, advocacy for demilitarisation, for the environment and sustainable development…
In this context, the Delegation is motivated by the desire to incarnate Christ by supporting these engagements and by deepening the commitment of Dominicans in finding peaceful solutions to conflicts, in addressing the root causes of contemporary challenges, in promoting and protecting the human rights of all, and in bringing justice to people whose rights have been violated. Through its office in Geneva and representations in Vienna and Nairobi, Dominicans for Justice and Peace plays an active role in the various UN instances
The specific objectives of the Delegation are to:
- accompany and empower Dominicans and their partners on the ground in the defence and promotion of human rights, the care of Creation and the common good, by providing the necessary tools to work with the United Nations;
- advocate in the United Nations for the issues addressed by Dominicans at all levels, by highlighting especially abuses in the field of human rights and the environment;
- provide a Dominican contribution, as a civil society actor, to strengthening the work of the United Nations and to deepening the reflection on key contemporary issues.