A New Vice Provincial for the Vice Province of St Catherine of Siena, Ecuador

As part of the Chapter of the Vice Province of St Catherine of Siena, Ecuador which began on June 1, 2015, fr Armando Villalta Alfonso Salazar was elected as the new Vice Prior Provincial of the Vice Province. His election has been confirmed by the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador and he has accepted.
Fr Armando was born in Cariamanga, Loja in 1981. He made his first profession in the Order in 2001 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2007. After his ordination, he studies Theology further. Since 2009, he has been the superior of the community of St Albert the Great in Ambato. He was also the Postulants Director.
Our prayers and best wishes go the friars of the Vice Province of Ecuador and to their new Vice Prior Provincial.

(06 June 2015)

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