
Who we are?

  • We, the lay people of St. Dominic, are the faithful baptized in the Catholic Church or received into it, confirmed and in full communion of faith, sacraments and ecclesiastical government, we are called by a special vocation to progress on the path of Christian life and to animate temporal things through the charism of St. Dominic. (Cf. General Declarations, 2019, 1 § I).
  • – We are attached to a fraternity and are guided by the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic and the General Declarations; updated and promulgated in May 2019. In the same way, we are nourished by the orientations and official documents of the Church and of the Order.

Where are we?

REGION Countries Fraternities Members
ASIA-PACIFIC – APCLDF 12 1.491 117.749
EUROP – ECLDF 25 369 5.377
AFRICA – ACLDF 13 29 550
TOTAL / FEBRUARY 2023 75 2.209 128.287

Do you want to join the Dominican Laity?

In order to join the Order of Preachers in whose apostolic mission we participate fully, we, the Laity of St. Dominic, make a promise according to the formula provided by the Rule. Incorporation into the lay branch of the Order, called the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, subject to the Master and the other Major Superiors of the Order, takes place only with this promise (Cf. General Declarations, 2019, 1 § II).

Guided by our Dominican family, we are organized through fraternities in the provinces, vice-provinces and vicariates.

Some historical date

1216 On December 22nd, Pope Honorius III approves the Order of Friars Preachers.
1285 The Master of the Order, fr Munio de Zamora (1285-1291), promulgates the first Rule of the Penitentes of Saint Dominic.
1923 The Master of the Order, fr Luis Theissling (1916-1925), promulgates the Rule of the Secular Third Order of Saint Dominic, in the spirit of the new Code of Canon Law of 1917.
1969 The Master of the Order, fr Aniceto Fernandez (1962-1974), promulgates the new Rule ad experimentum in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
1985 First International Congress of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Montreal (Canada).
1987 On 15 January, the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes approves the new Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic.
1988 On 16 February, the Master of the Order, fr Damian Byrne (1983-1992), completes the Rule with the promulgation of the General Declarations.
2002 Creation of the International Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities (ICLDF), representing each continent or region.
2007 II International Congress of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic in Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2007 On 15 November, the Master of the Order, fr Carlos Alfonso Azpiroz Costa (2001-2009), promulgates the General Declarations of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic.
2015 The Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cadoré (2010-2019), approves the integration of two lay Dominicans into the International Commission for Justice and Peace.
2018 III International Congress of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Fatima (Portugal).
2019 On 28 January, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life approves the modifications to the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic.
2019 On 9 March, the Master of the Order, fr. Bruno Cadoré (2010-2019), promulgates the amendments to the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic and the new General Declarations.
2019 On 15 May, the Master of the Order, fr. Bruno Cadoré (2010-2019), approves the Statutes of the International Commission of the Dominican Family, in which the Promoter General for the Laity and the International Coordinator of the Lay Dominican Fraternities (ICLDF) participate.
2020 The General Promoter for the Laity presents the Instrumentum Laboris for the Ratio Formationis et Studiorum Generalis Laicorum Ordinis Praedicatorum to the International Commission of the Dominican Family.
2021 The Master of the Order approves the use of the postnominal initials “OP” and no others, by the Laity of the Fraternities of St. Dominic, to identify themselves as members of the Order. (ACG Biên Hòa 2019, n. 237).

International and Regional Council

At the international level there is the Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities (ICLDF), in which we are represented by each of the five regions: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia-Pacific, Europe and the United States-Canada.
The International Council and the Regional Councils have the mission to promote greater communication between Lay Dominican Fraternities in order to achieve a more effective preaching of the Gospel in accordance with the signs of the times.

  • ICLDF Members
Sébastien Milazzo ICLDF Coordinator
ECLDF President (Europe)
Alphonsine Aya Kouassi – M’Bengue President of ACLDF (Africa)
Margareth Velasquez President of COFALC (Latin America and Caribbean)
Theophilus Atmadi Delegate of APCLDF (Asia – Pacific)
Kathy Kendrek Delegate of DLIPC (United States and Canada)
fr. Juan Ubaldo LÓPEZ SALAMANCA General Promoter for the Laity

  • Statutes of the ICLDF (En/Es/Fr)
  • Acts of the III International Congress of Lay Fraternities (Fatima, 2018)
  • Regional Councils:

    • AFRICA: Council of African Lay Dominican Fraternities (ACLDF)
    • ASIA-PACIFIC: Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities of Asia Pacific (APCLDF)
    • LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN: Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities of Latin America and the Caribbean (COFALC)
    • USA & CANADA: Interprovincial Council of the Lay Fraternities of the United States and Canada (DLIPC)
    • EUROPE: Council of European Lay Dominican Fraternities (ECLDF)
  • Visit:

Who we are?

Somos jóvenes atraidos por la vocación dominicana, dispuestos a anunciar el Evangelio desde la espiritualidad y el carisma de la Orden de Predicadores; motivados por la oración, el estudio y la vida fraterna en la misión común y permanente de la predicacion, como laicos que llevamos el Espiritu de Cristo a las diferentes realidades y contextos. (Cfr. Estatutos IDYM-MJD 2017, 1.1)

Where are we?

Countries Groups Members
EUROPE 5 17 386
AFRICA 11 32 777
TOTAL / FEB 2023 30 124 3.052

Do you want to join the Youth Movement?

The movement is open, welcoming and eager to share its spirit and mission with other young people.

We are organized in groups in each country with the support of the Dominican Family.

We are under the responsibility of the Prior Provincial, the Vice-Provincial or Vicar, or the Prioress General or Provincial Superior of a Dominican Congregation.

Some historical date

1216 On 22 December Pope Honorius III approves the Order of Friars Preachers.
1993 The Master of the Order, fr Timothy Radcliffe (1992-2001), promotes the creation of the International Dominican Youth Movement.
1996 World Meeting of Dominican Youth, León (Spain).
1998 The General Chapter of Bologna (Italy) recognized the Dominican Youth Movement as a member of the Dominican Family.
1998 General Assembly, Maynooth (Ireland).
2000 General Assembly, Rome (Italy).
2002 General Assembly, Tolosa (Spain).
2004 General Assembly, Manila (Philippines)
2006 General Assembly, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic).
2009 General Assembly, Fatima (Portugal).
2011 General Assembly, Rome (Italy).
2013 General Assembly, Bogotá (Colombia).
2015 The Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cadoré (2010-2019), approves the integration of a representative of the IDYM in the International Council for Justice and Peace.
2016 General Assembly, Toulouse (France).
2017 On March 25, the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cadoré (2010-2019), promulgated the Statutes of the International Council of IDYM-MJDI.
2019 On May 15, the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cadoré (2010-2019), approved the Statutes of the International Commission of the Dominican Family, in which the Promoter General for the Laity and the International Coordinator of IDYM-MJDI participate.
2020 General Assembly in Nairobi (Africa) is postponed because of the pandemic COVID-19.
2022 Virtual Elective General Assembly. Planning and implementation of the Assembly to elect new officers to the IDYM International Commission for 2022-2026 took place during the months of June through August.
2023 General Assembly, Lisbon (Portugal). Commemoration of the 30 year anniversary of the IDYM and the centenary of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati’s entry into the Order, celebrated within the context of WYD2023.
2023 The Master of the Order, fr. Gerard Timoner (2019-2028), approves the modifications to the IDYM Statute (2017).

International and Regional Council

  • At the international level there is the Dominican Youth Movement Council (IDYM-MJDI), in which we are represented by each of the five regions: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia-Pacific, Europe and United States-Canada.
  • The International Council has the mission of promoting and strengthening communion and participation among the Youth Movements, in order to achieve a more effective preaching of the Gospel in accordance with the signs of the times.
  • In each country there are national coordinators who, together with their councils, group together the different provinces, vice-provinces and vicariates, whose main objective is to live in communion and participation with the Dominican Family in different ways, in dialogue and sharing permanently with the culture of each country or region, with the desire to dedicate ourselves to preaching through the spirituality and charism of the Order of Preachers. (Cfr. Statutes IDYM-MJD 2017,Preamble)
  • Members
Carlos BELTRÁN Coordinator
Cristina Expósito DE VINCENTE Promotor of Formation
Madelen Jaimes HURTADO Promotor of Mission
Humberto Jesús RICO CAMACHO Promotor of Communications
Isioma CHUKWUKA-NWODO Promotor of Finance
fr. Cristóbal Torres IGLESIAS General Promoter for the Laity
  • Statutes of IDYM

Where are we?

REGION Countries Groups Members
EUROPE 2 11 460
TOTAL / JUNE 2020 3 12 475
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