Miraculous Draught of Fishes-Bassano (1510-1592) The Calls for Communicative Action for a Synodal Church This article reflects on the Catholic Church’s communication ministry, inspired by the Final Document of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod[1]. This reading aims to provide spiritual and practical tools that help communicators embrace their mission with greater depth and effectiveness. 1. The Heart of…
A new canonization for a member of the Dominican Family: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. In his general audience on 20 November 2024, Pope Francis announced that this event will take place as part of the Jubilee of Young People, as the highlight of the summer days dedicated to young people during the coming Holy Year. The young student from Turin,…
Interview with Bro Gerardo Cioffari, OP, Master in Sacred Theology (Magister in Sacra Theologia) Gerardo Cioffari, OP, a son of the Province of St. Thomas Aquinas in Italy, who received the degree of Master in Sacred Theology (Magister in Sacra Theologia) from the Order of Preachers in 2024, considers that an innovative proposal of the Order in theology cannot do…
“What are your plans for today?” – “To not die.” One of the young people connected to our brothers in Khmelnitski tells me that this phrase, laced with gallows humor, is often heard in Ukraine at the moment. Two contrasting sides repeatedly greet me in Ukraine: humor, warmth, and great kindness – but also profound sadness stemming from a chasm…
“Should we entrust our love lives to algorithms and dating apps?” That was the question a group of students asked one evening at the Dominican Center in Montreal. The CeDum, led by the brothers under the direction of Gustavo Ortega, offers a wide range of activities. Since last year, in addition to liturgies and traditional prayer or adoration groups, more…
In the third phase of their digital preaching campaign, the #Influencersop called upon the intercession of Mary for life, peace, and justice in the world. The Blessed Virgin of the Rosary was the central theme of the third phase of the #Influencersop digital preaching campaign, “Voices of Hope for Peace,” held from October 7 to 18, the Month of the…
From September 23 to 27, 2024, the members of the International Commission for Justice and Peace of the Order of Preachers gathered at an assembly, led by our brothers, the General Promoter, Fr. Aniedi Okure, OP, and Sr. Durstyne Farnan, OP, both of whom represent the Order at the United Nations (UN). During those days, we were able to reflect on the various challenges that confront us as we face the harsh realities of our brothers and sisters who cry out for justice—voices that many seek to silence.
There is a future for Dominican contemplative life. I have hope because this way of life, in prayer and silence, in joy and fraternity, is an indispensable good for the Church and for our world. It is a rare commodity, especially now, in many places, but I am convinced that there is a future. Optimism depends on us. Hope is in God. I believe there is a future because of the mission of the nuns.
“Share with gentleness the hope that is in your hearts“. The theme chosen by Pope Francis for World Communications Day, 2025, reinforces the integral mission of #influencersop, “voices of hope for peace”. A Dominican Catholic influencer is a digital preacher -“digital missionaries” – who uses modern platforms to carry the Gospel message, inspired by the Dominican charism of contemplation and preaching. This collaborative communication style…
During the annual retreat for the brothers at the Studium of the Vietnam Province of the Order, Brother Joseph Quy Nguyen, OP, wrote a letter to Brother Timothy Radcliffe, OP, asking him to share his thoughts on the role of young Dominican brothers in the as missionaries in the Order. In response to this request, Br Timothy sent the brothers a letter in which he encouraged them to be ready to be sent forth to “preach the Gospel to the whole world.”