Sowers of Hope: Experiences of the Jubilee of Communication

Sowers of Hope: Experiences of the Jubilee of Communication

Communicating with hope: a jubilee of encounter, truth and fraternity In my heart there is more hope after participating in various events of the Jubilee of the World of Communication. It has been a discovery of many communicators in the moments of prayer, the pilgrimage, the passing through the Holy Door, the Eucharists, the workshops and the audiences with Pope…

Lay representative took part in the Rosary Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Lay representative took part in the Rosary Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Flowers were offered next to the relics of St Thomas Aquinas, on behalf of all the Dominican fraternities and lay people around the world. From 2 to 5 October 2024, I had the honour of being invited to the Rosary Pilgrimage in Lourdes to give a lecture on Saint Thomas Aquinas entitled ‘The greatest of miracles: when God crosses history,…

The Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Fraternity of Poland gathered to pray for peace

The Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Fraternity of Poland gathered to pray for peace

On Saturday, 14 December 2024, the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Fraternity of the Province of Poland gathered at Fort VII to pray for peace in union with the entire Dominican Order. December is a month of Dominican prayer for peace. In this year we remember first and foremost Haiti, a republic whose inhabitants have been experiencing multiple forms of violence for…

Videos on “Adoro Te Devote” were published for the jubilee celebrations of St. Thomas Aquinas

Videos on “Adoro Te Devote” were published for the jubilee celebrations of St. Thomas Aquinas

Adore Te Devote, to humbly express faith in the Body and Blood of Christ in a theological, poetic and musical sense. Adoro te devotete, latens Deitas,Quae sub his figuris vere latitas:Tibi se cor meum totum subicit,Quia te contemplans totum deficit.  Hidden God, I devoutly worship you,You who are truly present under these forms:before You my heart submits itself completely,for when contemplating You…

The Counsels of the Wise Friend: Aquinas on Religious Life

The Counsels of the Wise Friend: Aquinas on Religious Life

Aquinas’ spiritual theology, deeply rooted in Scripture, Tradition, and practical human wisdom, and centered on the virtues and the pursuit of happiness, provides an invaluable foundation for reflecting on religious life. This is why his theology addresses a vital question concerning the nature of religious life: How does religious life help me, as a human person, draw closer to God?…

Celebration of Vespers and Prayer “Towards the Holy Year with Pier Giorgio Frassati”

Celebration of Vespers and Prayer “Towards the Holy Year with Pier Giorgio Frassati”

“Strengthening ourselves in Grace to attain the Eternal Prize” : Towards the Holy Year with Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. On Saturday, November 30th, 2024, in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, a time of prayer and adoration took place, under the title “‘Strengthening ourselves in Grace to attain the Eternal Prize’. Towards the Holy Year with Blessed Pier…

Cardinal Frank Leo Celebrates the 28th Anniversary His Priestly Ordination with the Dominican Family

Cardinal Frank Leo Celebrates the 28th Anniversary His Priestly Ordination with the Dominican Family

On December 14th, 2024, Cardinal Frank Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, presided the Eucharist in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of his priestly ordination. He celebrated together with the Dominican Family, to which he has a strong bond, since he is a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Dominic. Indeed, he made his perpetual profession as a tertiary priest of the Order in the same Basilica on May 11th, 2008.

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