The Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has appointed fr Pablo Carlos Sicouly as his Socius for Intellectual Life. He is a son of the Province of St Augustine in Argentina and he succeeds fr Michael Mascari who has just concluded his tenure.
Fr Pablo was born in the city of Buenos Aires in 1954. After studying Law at the Catholic University of Santa Maria de Buenos Aires, he entered the novitiate of his Province in Mar del Plata in 1979. He made his first profession in 1980, his solemn profession in 1983 and he received the ordination to the ministerial priesthood in 1986.
He studied Philosophy and Theology at the Center for Studies of the Province of Argentina in Buenos Aires, in affiliation with the University of St Thomas Aquinas of the North. He is a Professor of Philosophy at the University and a Doctor of Theology from the Faculty of Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt-Main, Germany.
He was Regent of Studies of his Province between 1992-1996 and 2000-2007 and Prior Provincial from 2007 to 2015. During this period, he served as President of the Governing Board and Grand Chancellor of the University of St Thomas Aquinas of the North. He was professor of Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology at the Center of Studies of the Province of Argentina and at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Argentina (Buenos Aires).
Since 2015, he has served as Promoter of Studies for CIDALC (Interprovincial Conference of Dominicans in Latin America and the Caribbean), in which he participated in recent years in the program of complementary studies for friars in the region, in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology of San Esteban in Salamanca, of the Province of Hispania.
8 January 2018