From the 7th to the 21st of June, in the framework of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Province of St. Augustine, the Master of the Order, Bro Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, made the canonical visitation along the new territorial configuration embraced by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans with two countries, Argentina and Chile. Bro Gerard was accompanied by the Socius for Apostolic Life, Bro Florentino Bolo, OP, the Socius for Fraternal Life and Formation, Bro Juan Manuel Hernández, OP, and the Socius for Latin America and the Caribbean, Bro Fernando Delgado, OP.
The Province of St. Augustine, which was founded on July 14, 1724 and comprised the territories of Buenos Aires, Tucumán and Paraguay, today consists of the following communities in Argentina: the Convent of San Telmo in Buenos Aires, seat of the provincial curia, of the student body and of the Centre for the Study of Philosophy and Theology (CEOP); the Casa San Martín de Porres in Mar del Plata, where the Novitiate is located; the Convent of the Most Holy Rosary in Tucumán, which, among other activities, runs the Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA); the Casa Santa Inés de Montepulciano in Santiago del Estero, which runs the Instituto San Martín de Porres (ISMP); the Convento Santa Catalina de Siena in Córdoba and the Convento de Santo Domingo en Soriano in Mendoza, with a branch house of the Most Holy Rosary in San Juan. And in Chile it is made up of the following communities: the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Convent in Santiago, in charge of the Apoquindo formation centre; the Casa Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Concepción; the Casa Santo Tomás de Aquino in Chillán and the Casa Santo Domingo de Guzmán in Valparaíso.
The forms of apostolate and preaching of the Province are carried out through university teaching, teaching in schools, pastoral care in basilicas, spiritual care and formation in monasteries, family pastoral care for married couples, in which, among others, the Life in Grace Marriage Movement stands out, pastoral work with young people, the direction and accompaniment of convent associations, collaboration with pastoral requests from the local Church, the parish apostolate, accompaniment of Dominican lay fraternities and the Dominican Youth Movement, and online preaching.The visitors are very grateful to all the brothers of the Province of St. Augustine for the preparation and development of the meetings with the friars, for the attention given in each community, where they were able to appreciate the wonders that God works, and for the meetings of dialogue and the celebrations with the Dominican Family, which allowed them to see that the preaching in collaboration is happening and increases hope. Each celebration was illustrated by the lighting of the Candle in homage to 300 years of praise, blessing and preaching in this part of the Southern Cone territory