Dominican Arts Days
Tallinn, September 1-5, 2021
At a meeting of Dominican artists in Cologne in the spring of 2019, the participants wished to organise a wider encounter to help the Order become more aware of the role that art plays in preaching today. Encouraged by the General Chapter of Biên-Hoà (ACG 2019 165-167), this meeting will take place in Tallinn from 1 to 5 September 2021. The objectives of this meeting are threefold:
- To give Dominican artists the opportunity to meet each other;
- To give Dominican artists the opportunity to interact with other artists, especially in dialogue with Estonian counterparts;
- To show the Order how Dominican artists can contribute to bringing the message of the Gospel, in casu by offering a programme of activities to the people of Tallinn.
A team of a dozen Dominican friars, sisters and lay people from ten European countries is preparing this meeting which will include round tables, conferences, workshops, concerts and an exhibition where Dominican artists will have the opportunity to share their artistic talents with the artists and inhabitants of the Estonian capital. The city of Tallinn was chosen in response to a request from lay people close to the Order who are professionally very involved in theatrical life there.
The general theme of these days is Anima sitit – The Thirst of the Soul.
During the five days, an exhibition will feature works by Björn Engdahl OP (S), Felix Hernandez OP (E), Jurga Juodyte OP (LT), Pavlína Marie Kašparová OP (GB/CZ), Mannes Marusak OP (SK), Adam Rokosz OP (A), Karel Simon OP (CZ). Provisional program:
Thursday 02/09
- Conference: History of the Dominican presence in Estonia
- Round Table: Beauty that leads to God – Gabriel Salmela OP (FI), Ulrich Engel OP (D) & Dominic White OP (GB)
- Conference: The Foundations of Dominican Spirituality – Gerard Francisco Timoner III OP, Master of the Order of Preachers
- Performance by the Theatrum (EE)
Friday 03/09
- Round Table: Visual Arts and Spirituality – Felix Hernandez OP (E), Adam Rokosz OP (A), Bjorn Engdahl OP (SE), Mannes Marusak OP (SK), Karel Simon OP (CZ)
- Lecture: Theology of the Estonian language – Artur Modzelewski OP (EE)
- Round Table: Poetry & Spirituality – Antonio Praena OP (E)
- Concert: Kristjan Üksküla, Eva Eensaar & Maria Peterson (EE)
Saturday 04/09
- Lecture and Workshop: The Nine Ways of Praying of Saint Dominic – Diana Cermane OP (LV), Hannah Laue OP (D/LV) & Dominic White OP (GB)
- Round Table: Theatre and Spirituality – Lembit Peterson (EE), Mindaugas Slapsinskas OP (LT), Thierry Hubert OP (F)
- Conference: Mgr Philippe Jourdan, Bishop of Tallinn
- Concert: Anima Sitit – Vox Clamantis conducted by Jaan-Eik Tulve (EE); Pärt Uusberg (EE), Anima Sitit (World Premiere): music on a poem by Grégoire Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond OP (F)
Sunday 05/09
- Conference: Laudato Sì and the arts – Helen Alford OP (GB/I)
- Round Table: Architecture & Spirituality – Charles Desjobert OP (F), Sergio Catalano OP (I), Ra Luhse/Tanel Tuhal (EE)
- Closing Eucharist
A liturgical program prepared by Marie-Augustin Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond OP (F/FI) and Dominic White OP (GB) will accompany these activities.
Some of the activities will be transmitted by videoconference. Translation into English and French is planned.
For more information: https://www.op.org/dominican-arts-days/
The Dominican Arts Days in Tallinn are organised in partnership with the Theatrum, the Diocese of Tallinn and the City of Tallinn, with the financial support of the Dominican Sisters of Neerbosch and Renovabis.
With the participation of:
- DOMINICAN ARTISTS : sr Diana (Choreographer – Latvia), fr Björn Engdahl (Painter – Sweden), fr Felix Hernandez (Painter – Spain), sr Marie Kašparová (Video – Czech Republic), fr Grégoire Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond (Poet – France), fr Marie-Augustin Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond (Musician – France/Finland), fr Mannes Marusak (Painter – Slovakia), Lembit Peterson (Actor/Director – Estonia), fr Antonio Praena (Poet – Spain), fr Adam Rokosz (Photographer – Austria), fr Karel Simon (Photographer – Czech Republic), fr Dominic White (Composer – Great Britain)
- INVITED ARTISTS : Jurga Juodyte (Video-Lithuania), Eva Eensaar (Musician – Estonia), Maria Peterson (Musician – Estonia), Theatrum (Theatre Company – Estonia), Jaan-Eik Tulve & Vox Clamantis (Musicians – Estonia), Pärt Uusberg (Composer – Estonia), Kristjan Üksküla (Musician/Actor – Estonia)
- SPEAKERS : sr Helen Alford (Professor at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, Rome), Mgr Philippe Jourdan (Bishop of Tallinn), sr Hannah Laue (Latvia), fr Artur Modzelewski (Estonia), fr Gabriel Salmela (Theologian – Finland), fr Mindaugas Slapšinskas (Chaplain of Artists – Lithuania), fr Gerard Francisco Timoner III (Master of the Order of Preachers – Rome), Nicolas Tixier (Provincial of France – France).