Information on the Month for Peace 2020

from 29 November to 1 January 2021

The annual Dominican Month of Peace highlights peace-building projects which the Dominican Family has set up in a chosen country. After having organised solidarity events throughout the world in favour of Colombia (2017), the Democratic Republic of Congo (2018) and India (2019), the Justice and Peace Commission of the Order of Preachers has chosen this year to turn attention to the efforts of the Dominican Family in Ukraine in favour of peace.

Thus, during Advent and Christmas, we join our prayers and solidarity to accompany projects of the Dominican friars, sisters and lay people in Ukraine. Their projects embrace the accompaniment of victims of the war, which is raging in the east of the country. More specifically, the Dominican Month of Peace 2020 calls for spiritual and financial solidarity with the Saint Martin de Porres Centre in Fastiv, where the Dominican Family welcomes children who have been traumatized by war violence. 

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