Fr Gerardo Wilmer Rojas Crespo, OP RIP

We recommend to your prayers our brother Gerardo Wilmer Rojas Crespo who passed away on Wednesday, 16 April 2014. He is of the Vice Province of Bolivia.
Fr Wilmer was born in 1964 and made his first profession in the Order in 1987. In 1994, he was ordained to the priesthood and went on to study Church History.
In September 2008, he was appointed the Archivist of the Order and assigned to the Convent of Santa Sabina, Rome. He was faithfully overseeing this responsibility until he became sick and could no long shoulder the responsibility. He returned to Bolivia and had since been in the fraternal care of the brothers of his vice province and that of his natural family until he answered the eternal call.

May his soul rest in peace.

(17 April 2014)

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