Fr Javier Abanto Silva is the New Promoter for Communications

The Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has appointed fr Javier Abanto Silva as the New General Promoter for Communications in the Order. Fr Javier is a son of the Province of St John the Baptist in Peru and he succeeds fr Eric Salobir who has concluded his tenure.
Fr Javier was born at Cajamarca, north of Peru in 1974. He made his first profession in the Order in 1996 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2011. He studied Philosophy and Theology in Peru. He has a Masters in Pastoral Theology and a Licentiate in the Theology of the Media from Colombia.
He has worked with the Radio Santo Domingo in Chimbote and for the past six years, he has been working with Radio Santa Rosa de Lima as its Director. He has also been the Media Promoter for his home province. In recognition of this passion for communications, the National Association of Journalists of Peru inducted him as an honorary member.

Communication has been an integral part of the life of fr Javier. The task of his new office will be the promotion of the life and mission of the Order through very possible means of communication. According to him, The technologically advanced new world is a great pulpit for a Dominican from which he can preach the mercy, the hope and the truth of Jesus Christ, the great communicator.
(22 February 2018)

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