Fr Juan José Salaverry Villarreal is Re-elected as the Provincial of Peru

The Capitular friars of the Province of St. John the Baptist, Peru have re-elected fr Juan Jos Salaverry Villarreal as their Prior Provincial for the second term. The Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has confirmed the election and fr Juan has accepted the election and made the profession of faith, signalling the commencement of his second term.
Fr Juan was born in 1969. He entered the Order and made his first profession of vows in 1997. In the year 2000, he was ordained to the priesthood. He is a Canon Lawyer.
He is the Chairman of the Board of the Instituto Superior de Estudios Teolgicos Juan XXIII (ISET Juan XXIII) and he is also a professor in the institute. He is the Chaplain of the Federation of Dominican Nuns in Peru.

(15 January 2014)

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