Fr Juan Manuel Hernández is the New Provincial of Santiago de Mexico

The friars of the Province of Santiago de Mexico, gathered at their Provincial Chapter, have elected fr Juan Manuel Hernndez Hernndez as their new Prior Provincial for the next four years. The Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has confirmed the election and fr Juan Manuel has accepted. He succeeds fr Jorge Rafael Diaz Nunez who has just concluded his term.
Fr Juan Manuel was born in 1970 at Pursima de Bustos, Guanajuato, Mexico. He made his first profession in the Order in 1998 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2007. He has a Licence in Civil Law and a Pontifical Licentiate in Canon Law.
As a canonist, he has been an adviser to the provincial and also a member of the Provincial Council. He has been the Promoter of Vocations and Youth Ministry and also a Professor at the Provincial House of Studies.
As at the time of his election, he was the Prior of the Novitiate Convent of San Luis Beltrn.

(2 June 2017)

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