Fr Omar Orlando Sánchez Suárez has the elected as the Vicar Provincial of the Puerto Rico

On the 19th of January 2016, the friars of the Provincial Vicariate of Santa Cruz de Puerto Rico of the Province of San Luis Bertrn de Colombia elected fr Omar Orlando Snchez Surez as their first Vicar Provincial. The Vicariate of Puerto Rico recently became a part of the Province of Colombia and the Provincial of Colombia, fr Said Len Amaya has confirmed the election.
Fr Omar, a native of Saboya, Boyac in Colombia was born in 1963. In 1986, he made is first religious profession of vows in the Order and was ordained to the priesthood in 1994. He has a Doctorate in Canon Law and he is currently a judge in the Superior Ecclesiastical Court of Appeal of Colombia.
At a celebration with the whole Dominican family in Puerto Rico, in the presence of the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador and the Provincial of Colombia, fr Said Len Amaya, fr Omar made his profession of faith as the new Vicar Provincial.


(25 January 2016)

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