Fr Richard Ogedengbe is the New Provincial of the Province of Nigeria and Ghana

Gathered at their Provincial Chapter at Ibadan, the Capitular friars of the Province of St Joseph the Worker, Nigeria and Ghana have elected fr Richard Adelakun Ogedengbe as their new Prior Provincial. The Master of the Order has confirmed the election and fr Richard has accepted with the profession of faith. He succeeds fr Charles Ukwe who has just concluded his second term.
Born at Oka-Akoko in Ondo State, Nigeria in 1962. He had a Masters degree in Business Administration before he join the Order. He made his first profession in the Order in 1996 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2004 after studying Philosophy and Theology at the Dominican Institute in Ibadan.
After his ordination, he was assigned to St Paul Priory and All Saints Parish, Oyigbo where he served as the syndic of the community. He was later assigned to St Dominic Priory in Lagos where he served as the sub-priory for two terms. For the past 12 years, he has been the syndic of the Province.

(13 July 2017)

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