On May 16, 2021 ( Sunday), the International Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities (ICLDF) held a fraternal meeting with the Asia-Pacific Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities (APCLDF).
The Regional meetings initiated by the ICLDF are meant to strengthen fraternal collaboration in the preaching mission, and to foster closer relations and graced inspiration shared with one another.
The Asia-Pacific Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities or APCLDF
spearheads the Lay Dominicans in the Asia-Pacific Region in effectively carrying out the preaching mission in collaboration with the Dominican Family, amidst challenges in the region, in particular, and across world’s regions in general.
The Asia-Pacific Region covers 34 countries in Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Pacific and Solomon Islands. At present, there are around 118,000 Lay Dominicans in 1.489 fraternities in Australia, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Vietnam.
The agenda items covered the self-introduction of both Council Members who expressed respective greetings; the highlights of a long line of activities undertaken by the APCLDF read out by Ms. Tabayoyong, enhanced with corresponding photos of activities shown by Belén L. Tangco; the possibility of regional assemblies to be held onsite during better condition in health environment, with a written permission from the Master of the Order; Regional Statutes as revised and approved by the APCLDF in plenary session, for presentation to the Master, through the General Promoter.
For the ICLDF, the following participated: Rev. Fr. Juan Ubaldo López Salamanca, General Promoter; Mr. Gabriel Silva (Europe- ECLDF), Coordinator; Ms. Christine Husson (USA-Canada- DLIPC), Treasurer; Ms. Susana Brittos (Latin America & the Caribbean-COFALC), Pointperson for Justice & Peace; Mr. Epiphane Yelome (Africa-ACLDF) Councillor; and Ms. Belén Lorezca-Tangco (Asia-Pacific- APCLDF), Secretary. The Socius to the Master for Asia-Pacific, Rev. Fr. Raj Mannes Amirtha, attended as a guest.
For the APCLDF, the following participated: Ms. Marian Navarro Yap (Hong Kong- Vice Coordinator & Zonal Coordinator for East Asia); Mr. Theophilus Atmadi (Indonesia- Coordinator for Justice & Peace); represented by Mr. Robertus Belarminus Adi Ismawan, President of St. Martin de Porres Lay Dominican Fraternity, Jogjakarta, Indonesia; Ms. Estrella Jona B. Tabayoyong (Philippines- Secretary); Ms. June Ross (Australia- Zonal Coordinator for Australia, Solomon Islands & Papua New Guinea); Mr. Nery Francis Estoquia (Philippines- Zonal Coordinator for Southeast Asia); and Ms. Tinna Christanty, OP (Indonesia- Treasurer); and, Dr. Belén Lorezca-Tangco (Coordinator-President). Thanks to Mr. Vicente Libo-on for the technical assistance during the meeting.
by Ms. Estrella Jona B. Tabayoyong
Secretary APCLDF
Manila, June 2021