Meeting of the European Promoters of Justice, Peace and Creation

Promoters discuss living the commitment to justice and peace as an essential part of our apostolic life

The annual meeting of the European promoters of the Dominican Order of Justice, Peace and Creation took place in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 24 to 28, 2024. The gathering was attended by Brother Aniedi Okure, OP (Santa Sabina), Brother Javier Aguilera, OP (Spain), Brother Stephen Cummins, OP (Ireland), Brother Antoine de la Fayolle, OP (France), Brother Günter Reitzi, OP (Austria), Brother Ivan Attard, OP (Malta), Brother Rui Manuel Gracio das Neves, OP (Portugal), Brother Francis Amponsah, OP (The Netherlands), and Brother Alessandro Cortesi, OP (Italy).

The meeting began on 24 June with presentations by Br Aniedi on “The Dominican Order and Places of War and Conflict in the World”, and by Br Ivan on “The Challenge of Building Peace in Areas of Violence and Conflict”. There were also two presentations via Zoom which specifically addressed the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, in Gaza and in Ukraine. Brother Jean Jacques Pérennès, OP, spoke about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and gave an overview of the history and causes which helped to illustrate the gravity of the current situation. Brother Petro Balog, OP, speaking from Kiev, gave a report on the situation in Ukraine and the work of the Dominicans there in supporting those affected by the war. This was followed by a discussion among those present with questions and reflections. In the afternoon, Brother Stephen Cummins presented a reflection on the Dominican commitment to promoting peace and justice in the context of a new era of the Church. His talk followed the outline of the reflection proposed by Thomas Halik in his book The Afternoon of Christianity. This was followed by a time of sharing in which each promoter was able to present the social and ecclesial situation of his own region and ro describe some of the work for justice and peace in which Domincans are engaged in his country. There was also a meeting with some lay and religious members of the Dominican Family in Portugal, who described the ecclesial reality of Portugal and the work of the Dominican Family. 

On the morning of the second day, the group of promoters visited an actual project of justice and peace promoted by the Oblate Sisters in Lisbon. The coordinating sister described their work of welcoming and accompanying women living in prostitution. She sahred the history of the project and the sisters’ method of social intervention through listening, meeting and supporting marginalised and exploited women. In the afternoon, the promoters met with Rogerio Roque Amaro, professor of the economics of solidarity at the University of Lisbon. The professor presented an in-depth overview of the demographic and economic situation in Portugal, focusing on the phenomenon of migration and the political history of the country. He highlighted the experience of “community groups” as means of development and participation in the suburbs of Lisbon and elsewhere. The presentation led to a discussion comparing social situations in various locations in Europe. The afternoon was devoted to drafting two texts for the communities of our Order on our commitment to justice and peace today. Attached are the two texts that were drafted at community level and approved.

The third day of the meeting was devoted to a visit to a tourist site in Lisbon, the Tower of Belem and the Monastery of St. Jerome, and to a school which, for many years, was run by the Irish Dominican Sisters in Lisbon. In the afternoon, there was an extended presentation of the MOSAIKO project, concerning the defence of human rights in Angola. The historical and social situation in Angola was described, as well as the Dominicans’ work with the people in defence of human rights. The meeting concluded with an evaluation from Br Aniedi, Promoter General of Justice and Peace, and with a community vote on the work we had completed together. At the suggestion of Br Günter’s, it was decided that the next annual meeting could be held from 1 to 5 June 2025 in the Dominican convent in Vienna.

Daily prayers were held together with the Dominican community of Lisbon in an atmosphere of fraternity. During these days we shared our effort and hope to live the commitment for justice and peace as an essential part of our apostolic life. 

Brother Alessandro Cortesi, OP
European Coordinator for Justice and Peace

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