New Vice Provincial of the Vice Province of Ibn-e-Mariam of Pakistan

Br. Pascal Paulus, OP, is the new Prior Vice Provincial of the Ibn-e-Mariam Vice Province of Pakistan

The friars of the Ibn-e-Mariam Vice Province of Pakistan, elected Br. Pascal Paulus, OP, as their new Prior Vice Provincial on 27 February 2023, during the Elective Chapter (26 February to 4 March 2023) held at Ibn-e-Mariam House of Studies, Pak Arab, Lahore. With the confirmation of the Master of the Order, Br. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, Br. Pascal accepted this responsibility on the same day with a sense of gratitude and a spirit of service.

Br. Pascal was born in 1968. He made his first profession in the Dominican Order in 1991 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1996. He obtained a licentiate degree in the Arabic Language and in Islamic Studies from the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI) Rome in 2000. He is a seasoned and eloquent preacher, promoter of interfaith dialogue and mentor for the young.

He served the Ibn-e-Mariam Vice Province Pakistan as the Vice Provincial for eight years (2011-2019). He served as pastor at Holy Rosary Parish from 2003-2011. Prior to his election he was serving as pastor and Regent of Studies.

The Dominican Friars of the Vice Province of Ibn-e-Mariam look forward to Br. Pascal’s leadership in continuing the mission of St. Dominic in preaching the Gospel for the salvation of souls.

We recommend to your prayers our brother’s service to the Order and the Church in Pakistan.

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