On the 4th of August 2016, after the private audience with Pope Francis at the Apostolic Palace and the Mass of the Solemnity of St Dominic at Bologna, the capitulars drew the curtain on the General Chapter of Bologna 2016.
With a letter dated 8 August 2016, the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has promulgated the Acts of the General Chapter of Bologna 2016.
According to him,
the chapter invites us to make this year of the celebration of the Jubilee of the Order and extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, the first step in a journey of renewal of our vocation as preachers. By sending us to preach grace and mercy in the footsteps of the seventy-two sent by Jesus, the chapter invites us to be with each other, for each other, watchmen of this vocation from which in all our diversities, we are established in unity.
The text of the Acts is now available in its original language and it can be downloaded here.
It is now available for translation into various languages and distribution to all.
(16 August 2016)