The Dominican friars of the German Province of Teutonia have re-elected Brother Peter Kreutzwald, OP, as their Prior Provincial for a second four-year term. The re-election took place at the Provincial Chapter of Teutonia, which was held at the Dominican convent of Heilig Kreuz (Holy Cross) in Cologne, Germany, where the provincialate of the province is located. Br. Peter accepted his ministry at Solemn Vespers in the convent church after Brother Gerard Timoner III, OP, the Master of the Order, officially confirmed the re-election, February 3, 2022.
Brother Peter was born in Cologne in 1965. He entered the Order in 1998, made his first religious profession of vows in 1999 and was ordained a priest in 2003. He has served as Vicar of the Provincial, Moderator of Institutional Studies, a Member of the Provincial Commission on Education, a Member of the Commission for Intellectual Life, Syndic of the Convent in Mainz and Master of Students at the House of Studies in Mainz.
Brother Peter was first elected as the Prior Provincial of the Province of Teutonia during the 2017 Provincial Chapter in Hamburg. A physicist and theologian, he has been living land working in his hometown of Cologne. As the re-elected Prior Provincial, the 56-year-old Dominican will continue to be the contact person for about 100 confriars of the province in all matters concerning the Order.
We commend to your prayers our brother’s service to the province and to the Order.