Suppression of the General Vicariate of Puerto Rico

In line with the programme of the restructuring of the Order, the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has issued the Decree of the suppression of the General Vicariate of Santa Cruz in Puerto Rico and transferred the responsibility of the mission of the Order in that territory to the Province of San Luis Bertran in Colombia. The Decree takes effect from the 1st of January 2016
This decision was taken after due consultation with the friars and council of the General Vicariate of Puerto Rico, the Prior Provincial and Council of the Province of Colombia and the General Council of the Order.
By this Decree, the 21 friars of the General Vicariate of Puerto Rico shall now be affiliated to the Province of Colombia with all their rights and privileges. The 5 communities and all the properties of the General Vicariate of Puerto Rico shall now become part of the patrimony of the Province of Colombia.
It is hoped that this move will help to strengthen and promote the apostolic mission and regular life of the friars in Puerto Rico which will in turn ensure the sustenance and growth of the mission of the Order there.

(18 December 2015)

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