The Coordinator of the Jubilee of the Order

In accordance with the ordination of the General Chapter of Trogir 2013;
We ordain the Master of the Order to name a Coordinator and Steering Committee as soon as possible to oversee the Jubilee and to work together with the Provincial Promoters of the Jubilee (no. 53),
the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has appoint fr Franklin Buitrago Rojas as the Coordinator for the Jubilee of the Order. Fr Franklin is currently the Secretary General of the Order and he is from the Province of Colombia.
The General Chapter of Trogir also thank fr Jos Gabriel Mesa, also from the Province of Colombia for his great efforts in preparing the proposal for the Jubilee. Fr Franklin will continue from where he stopped.
We wish you all the best in his new task.
(7 December 2013)

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