The Economic Council of the Order

The Economic Council of the Order met on the days of April 22-24, 2013 at Santa Sabina, Rome to deliberate on the economic issues of the Order.
The council is led by the Syndic of the Order, fr Hilario Provecho lvarez. Present at the meeting were; frs Boyd R. Suplico (Philippines), Anton Boks (Netherlands), Albert Glade (Angelicum-St Albert the Great, USA ), Bonifatius Hicks (Teutonia, Germany), Kenneth Sicard (St Joseph, USA), Richard Ogedengbe (Nigeria), Adam Sulikowski (Poland) and Dominic Izzo (Director of the Solidarity Fund).
In very specific details, they discussed how to best manage the temporal goods of the Order; how to generate adequate funds for our missions, effectively manage our projects and institutions and how to properly account for the resources we have been able to acquire through the benevolence of God and his people. The group also deliberated on possible proposals for the next General Chapter of Torgir 2013.

(April 26, 2013)

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