General Chapter of Diffinitors
Nineteenth day
Tultenango, August 3, 2022
Wednesday began with the recitation of lauds and the celebration of the Eucharist, presided over by Friar Michael-Dominique, OP, guest of the General Chapter; the homily was preached by Friar Robert Mehlhart, OP, of the Province of St. Albert the Great, Germany.
Friar Robert reminded us that, “in Jesus, God chose to limit himself to share in the earthly life of humans with all its beautiful particularities. He was, like all of us, a member of a particular family, in a particular culture, formed by a particular faith, in his case the faith of Israel. But by entering a foreign region, Tyre and Zion, Jesus breaks the shell of the confinement of his own culture, revealing the true scope of his mission, which is universal”.
The plenary continued to discuss the texts presented by the commissions, and today the commission on Communion and Mission was reviewed. In the afternoon, the capitulars continued with “open dialogues” with the participation of the Socius for the Master of the Order for Apostolic Life and the Chaplain of the International Rosary Teams.
Friar Florentino Bolo, OP, shared with the capitulars his mission to assist the Master of the Order in the ministry of the Word, i.e., apostolic life and evangelization. Friar Florentino encouraged the Provincials, Vice-Provincials and Vicars to participate in the internal communication applications that have been implemented for the Order and, at the same time, to use the information for communication and coordination in apostolic experiences worldwide. In addition, he highlighted the importance of the Apostolic Forums for the renewal of the mission (cfr. ACG Biên-Hoà 2019, 141-175: “Forums of Apostolic Life): 1. Forum on apostolate with migrants, 2. Forum on interreligious dialogue, 3. Forum on education and evangelization, 6. Forum on campus ministry, 7. Forum on rosary, shrines and pilgrimages, 8. Forum on schools of preaching, 8. Forum on parish ministry, 9. Forum on prison apostolates, 10. Forum on arte and preaching.
He also showed the institutional structure of the Order’s website,, where all the information and important documents for the Dominican Family can be found. In the channels of communication – Ordo Praedicatorum – the objective is to encourage spaces of dialogue on the themes of mission.
The International Rosary Teams. Friar Louis-Marie Ariño Durand, OP, is the chaplain of the Rosary Teams and their International Coordinator is Chantal Courtin. Friar Louis Marie invited the capitulars to pray and promote these teams which have a Marian and missionary character in the Church, founded in 1955 by Father Joseph Eyquem, OP, a Dominican friar from the convent of Toulouse in France who sought: “to help men and women to live as Christians” and to reach out particularly to those who were far from the Church.
Referring to the teams, Friar Bruno Cadoré, OP, former Master of the Order (2010-2019), wrote: “To learn to know the Rosary Teams is to discover that a simple and effective proposal exists in the face of the questions posed by the challenges of the new Evangelization. To encourage the Rosary Teams is to allow the laity to become actors in the Proclamation of the Good News, at the heart of the Church. Rosary Teams are a gift of the Spirit for our time” (2017).
The Rosary Teams are being strengthened in many parts of the world, their website is: , if you would like more information, do not hesitate to write to: