The digital preaching #Influencersop, ‘Voices of hope for peace’ began.

The digital preaching #Influencersop ‘Voices of hope for peace’ began.

With the aim of uniting us as the Dominican Family to preach and make our voices heard in the world, today May 13 begins the digital preaching campaign #Influencersop through the official Ordo Praedicatorum account on Instagram.

In this month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, which also marks World Communications Day, short videos will be published by influencers of the Order of Preachers (#Influencersop), who will address themes of identity related to the current context.

We are preparing for the Jubilee of Consecrated Life 2025, which has as its motto ‘Pilgrims of hope, on the path of peace’, precisely because the urgent challenge of our time is peace.

In this sense, the voices of hope end for peace of our #Influencersop will be continued in the month of Saint Dominic (August) and also in the month of the Rosary (October). Therefore, we encourage the influencers of the Dominican Family to contact us through

We thank the Dominican Family for following the contents of the digital channels of Ordo Praedicatorum and also for their participation in the different events. We wish you a happy feast of the Translation of our Holy Father Dominic (24th May) and we place the preaching of the influencers under the mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Foto: Order of Preachers * 800th Jubilee 1216 – 2016. Dominican Province Of Saint Joseph

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