Monastery of Santa María la Real de Bormujos (Spain)
Last Friday, July 10, a meeting was held with the members of the Dominican Laical Fraternity Friends of God of Bormujos, in which they shared topics concerning the apostolates they perform, the processes of formation and an overview of the laity in the different regions of the world.
For the members of the fraternity, the Monastery is “The lighthouse that lights up and guides God to the whole area of the Aljarafe, gate of heaven”. Currently the fraternity is composed of 22 people, Doña Pepi Jurado Cano is the President of the Fraternity, Sister Immaculate Delgado is the Prior of the Monastery and Religious Assistant of the Fraternity.
They also accompanied the meeting Don José Vicente Vila Castellar, Provincial President of the Dominican Lay Fraternities of the Province of Hispania and fr. Juan Ubaldo López Salamanca, General Promoter for Laity; thanks to the support of our brothers in the Convent of St. Thomas Aquinas, where the Novitiate of the Province of Hispania is located.