Fr. Thomas M. Condon O.P. as Prior Provincial

On June 2, 2018, the capitulars of the Provincial Chapter of the Province of San Martn de Porres (USA) re-elected Fr. Thomas M. Condon O.P. as Prior Provincial. The Master of the Order, Fray Bruno CADOR, O.P. confirmed the election and Fr. Tom has accepted the mandate and has made the profession of faith, thus beginning his new term.
With a degree in psychology and after working as a school psychologist, fr. Tom Condon, O.P. entered the novitiate in Columbia, South Carolina and made first profession in the Order in 1982. In 1988, he was ordained to the priesthood. He holds a Doctorate in Ministry (D. Min.), with primary emphasis in preaching, from Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, Missouri.
Fr. Tom has been in parish, formation, preaching, and teaching apostolates. He has been the Pastor of St Thomas More Parish and Tulane Catholic Center, New Orleans, and the Pastor of St Peter Parish and Director of St Martin de Porres Shrine, both in Memphis. His pastoral engagements have included recollections, retreats, conferences and workshops. He has also worked with prisoners, including counseling ministry with death row inmates.
Fr. Tom Condon has served as Student Master, Intellectual Life Commission member, Admissions Board, and member of the Formation and Provincial Counci. As at the time of his firstterm election, he was the Socius and Vicar Provincial of the Province. Fr. Tom has an affinity for cats, walks vigorously every morning, and has written movie reviews for publication for years.
Let us pray for fr. Tom Condon, and his newly elected provincial council members as he begins his second mandate.

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