On November 7, the feast of all saints of the Order of Preachers is celebrated. For this reason, the month of November is dedicated to raising funds to support the work on the various causes for the canonization of saints within the Dominican Family.
In this effort, a website has been created that lists causes and dossier processes involving members of the Order who are on the path to being declared Venerable, Blessed, Saints, or Doctors of the Church. The Order’s Office for the Causes of Saints is close to opening three new causes, 39 Servants of God could be proclaimed Venerable or Blessed, 15 Venerables could be declared Saints, 23 Blesseds could be canonized as Saints, and 3 Saints may be proclaimed Doctors of the Church. Only a few names have been published on this website; in reality, there are many more causes, so help is requested.
The General Postulator of the Order of Preachers, Fr. Massimo Mancini, OP, appeals to generous individuals to help financially support the work dedicated to each cause:
The Dominican Postulation needs your support. I am the General Postulator of the Dominican Order. Through my work, alongside that of my colleagues, we present the holy men and women of our Order to the Church authorities, so that they may be officially recognized by the Church as Blesseds and eventually as Saints.
Each year, on November 7, we celebrate the feast of all Dominican saints and blesseds. On our website, you’ll find the causes we are handling — nearly one hundred, all Dominican.
Precisely on 7 November, or in the days around, we ask for your help: donate what you can and want to our Dominican Postulation; not for one cause but for all of them. Help our Order to support the expenses of the causes of beatification and canonization and the work of our Postulation.
Every candidate requires a great deal of work: research, studies, documented books following a strict scientific standard, diocesan and Vatican assessments. Many people are involved in this work, and all of it is costly.
We work at the offices of the Dominican Postulation in Rome, with salaried staff. This also requires funds.
This is why we ask for your support. With your contributions, we can work harder and better, so that more Dominican saints may be recognized by the Church.
Every donation, large or small, is a tremendous help. From today (November 7) until November 30, please click below to make your free-will offering. Thank you very much.
Bro Massimo Mancini OP,
Postulator General