“The clamour of migrants demands attention from governments and challenges the Catholic Church and, in it, the Dominican Family”, reads the final report of the Justice and Peace Meeting on the theme “Migration, rights and human drama”, which took place from 21 to 28 July in Guatemala City.
The report, signed by Sister Veronica Agurto, OP, Secretary of CODALC[i] and Bro Fernando Delgado, OP, Socius for Latin America and the Caribbean and President of CIDALC[ii][ii], points out the “weakness or indifference” of the States, “incapable of guaranteeing the fundamental right of every person not to migrate”, as well as “anti-migration policies that make forced migration an even heavier cross”, while highlighting the solidarity response of civil society organisations and the Church, which is an “important aid”, but is overwhelmed by the “magnitude of the problem”.
The meeting was attended by the General Promoter of Justice and Peace and Permanent Delegate to the United Nations (UN), Fr Aniedi Okure, OP. The Justice and Peace promoters of CIDALC and CODALC from Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela, as well as other members of the Dominican Family, also spoke about the problems in their countries.
The report reflects on the circle of corruption and special interests surrounding the phenomenon of migration. Migrants are vulnerable, as their fundamental human rights are not always respected. In this context, the Magisterium of the Church and international law constitute a light and a witness to the importance of the topic for ecclesial and theological reflection. For example, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
“The magisterium of Francis invites the Church to respond to the phenomenon of migration with four global actions: welcome, protect, promote and integrate”, and “helps to raise awareness that addressing this issue involves a look at an entire social system”. In this sense, the Order’s representation at the UN is highlighted.
“As a fruit of this meeting of Justice and Peace of the Order of Preachers in Latin America and the Caribbean, and in view of the historical reality of migration as a theological place and sign of the times, we invite the whole Dominican Family to join in this challenging mission in our present time and in the defence of the rights of our migrant brothers and sisters through the goals that we have set ourselves and that we can transform our mission and apostolate into lines of action, to be developed at local, regional and continental levels”, emphasise the promoters.
[i] Conference of Dominican Sisters of Latin America and the Caribbean.
[ii] The Interprovincial Conference of the Dominicans of Latin America and the Caribbean is the coordinating body of all the entities of Dominican friars in Latin America and the Caribbean, made up of the Major Superiors of the region or their representatives.