To the Dominican Family on the Occasion of the IDYM International Assembly – Lisbon, Portugal, 2023
Rome, 25 February 2023
Prot. n. 73/23/066
Dear brothers and sisters,
The Order of Preachers will joyfully celebrate two extraordinary events which remind us of the importance of youth for the Order and their evangelizing mission in the modern world. This year 2023 marks the Centenary of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati’s official entry into the Order when he took his solemn promises as a member of the Dominican laity. We also celebrate this year the 30th founding anniversary of the International Dominican Youth Movement which had its first meeting in 1993 at Newbridge College in Ireland.
To commemorate these significant events, the youth leaders of the IDYM have convoked an International Assembly which will take place on August 6-9, 2023, right after the World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal.
The venue of the Assembly and celebrations with the Dominican Family will be at the Externato São José Av. das Descobertas 27, Restelo, Lishoa), an educational institution of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena. We are grateful to the Dominican Famiv of Portugal for their support in hosting this event.
“Mary arose and went with haste (Lk 1:39)” is the bible quote chosen by Pope Francis as the motto of the World Youth Day 2023. This recalls the moment when the Blessed Mother, bringing Jesus in her womb, visited Elizabeth. I invite you, with this letter to share Jesus with others, to bring the Lord to all, especially to young people (John the Baptist stirred in the womb of Elizabeth during Mary’s visitation). We will personally attend this event and we hope to celebrate with you the Solemnity of our holy Father St. Dominic.
I would also like to make a plea for solidarity. The IDYM, inspired by the generous example of IDYM’s “holy patron”, has launched the “Frassati Project“, which has the noble aim of ensuring that all the national movements of IDYM can participate through their representatives in this Assembly, and that no one is left out due to lack of financial resources.
We support and endorse this project which will provide financial assistance to young people who meet the requirements and apply for it. Thus, I sincerely recommend to the concerned Priors Provincial & Vice Provincials, Superiors General / Prioresses Provincial of Dominican Sisters to lead their wholehearted support to the IDYM in their respective jurisdictions so that our Dominican Youth can join WYD 2023 in Lisbon and participate in the International Assembly of the IDYM.
Attached you will find documents with valuable and useful information. For national representatives and anyone interested in the Assembly, please find attached the Concept Paper of the Assembly, the official letter of convocation and instructions on how to apply for financial support through the Frassati Project The detailed agenda of the event will be published soon.
If you have any questions, please write to for further information.
We entrust this endeavor to the Lord’s mercy, with confidence in the intercession of St. Bartholomew of the Martyrs, Blessed Joana of Portugal and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, members of the Dominican Family (a friar, a nun and a young layman) and saintly patrons of the forthcoming WYD and IDYM.
Fraternally yours in St. Dominic,
fr, Juan Ubaldo Lopez Salamanca, OP
General Promoter of the Dominican Laity
fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP
Master of the Order