New edition of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations of the Friars of the Order of Preachers (LCO) in the official Latin

The Master of the Order, fr. Bruno Cador, by a letter dated 9 April 2018, has promulgated a new edition of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations of the Friars of the Order of Preachers (LCO) in the official Latin.

This new edition marks fifty years from the first edition of LCO, published after the 1968 General Chapter of River Forest which renewed the Constitutions of the Order in the light of the Second Vatican Council. It incorporates in particular all the structural changes made by the General Chapters of Rome (2010), Troghir (2013) and Bologna (2016).

In his letter of promulgation, the Master writes:

‘The tradition which has been transmitted to us from St Dominic means our Order is organised by its laws such that each brother commits to taking his part fully in the constitution of this communion of preaching. This same tradition orders the preaching by organising the evangelical and apostolic life of brothers, of communities, and of apostolic structures, so that the search for truth which sets us free may be at the heart of our common apostolic responsibility for the service of the Church and the salvation of souls. It is in relying confidently on this tradition that we, humble beggars and preachers of mercy, make profession of obedience.’

The new official text of LCO is available to purchase on line ( 9 paperback and 15 hardback plus tax and shipping).

In coming weeks it will also be available via other on-line retailers and can be ordered by bookshops. Copies are available via the Ufficio Libri at Santa Sabina (

The text can also be downloaded from the website of the Order at: Documents

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