New Edition of the booklet, “An Introduction to the Constitutions of the Order of Preachers”

Bro. Mark De Caluwe has updated the text of the booklet, An Introduction to the Constitutions of the Order of Preachers. Since it was first edited (1999), the General Chapters of the Order have added new texts and deleted others. So all these changes had to be taken into consideration. There were also some mistakes, to be corrected.

The revised text is now available in the three languages, which are normally used in the Order: English, French and Spanish.

The brothers who want to receive a copy of the text can contact
Bro. Mark at this address :

or by writing to:
Mark De Caluwe,
Ravenstraat 98,
B-3000 Leuven

Bro. Mark thanks the brothers who would have suggestions for the publication or for correcting eventual mistakes.

(16 December 2017)

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