New Vice Provincial of Ibn-e-Mariam, Pakistan

New Vice Provincial of Ibn-e-Mariam, Pakistan

The Master of the Order, fr. Bruno Cador has confirmed last March 1, 2019 the election of fr. Younas Shahzad as the new Vice Provincial of Ibn-e-Mariam, Vice Province, Pakistan.

Fr Younas was born on March 3, 1967 in Yousafwala, Pakistan. He entered the Dominican Order on February 1, 1991, made Solemn Profession on January 7, 1994, and was ordained to the priesthood on September 27, 1996. He obtained his Licentiate Degree in Systematic Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome last 2002. He taught Christology at the National Catholic Institute of Theology in Karachi from 2002 to 2015, and was Master of Students at the Dominican House of Studies in Karachi for 13 years. From 2015 till his election, fr. Younas served as Parish Priest of Holy Rosary Parish in Warispura of the Diocese of Faisalabad. He also served as promoter of permanent formation and economic administrator of the Vice Province for the same period. As an author, he has published five books in the Urdu language.

Fr. Younas accepted his election on March 2, 2019

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