Brother Jesús Díaz Sariego, OP, was elected Prior Provincial of the Province of Hispania on the occasion of the Provincial Chapter on 2 July 2021 in Caleruega (Burgos). The Master of the Order, Brother Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, confirmed the election, which was accepted on the same day by Br. Jesús, who made the Profession of Faith accordingly.
Br. Jesús has held the office of Prior Provincial since 2016. On such occasion, since it was the birth of a new province, he was appointed by the then Master of the Order, Brother Bruno Cadoré, OP, after consultation with all the friars of the three provinces that were then being unified. This time, Br. Jesús has been elected by the capitulars representing all the members of the Province of Hispania.
Born in Riosa (Asturias) in 1962, Br. Jesús made his first profession in September 1983 and was ordained priest in Salamanca in 1989. He studied Philosophy and Educational Sciences. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Theology at the San Esteban Theological Institute in Salamanca and then a licentiate in Theology at the Faculty of Theology in Fribourg, where he also obtained his doctorate in Theology.
Brother Jesús has worked as a university lecturer at Escuela de Magisterio Fray Luis de León in Valladolid, at the San Esteban Faculty of Theology in Salamanca, at the San Vicente Ferrer Faculty of Theology in Valencia, and in the online courses given by DOMUNI and the Escuela de Magisterio. He has also given theological training courses in Lima (Peru) and El Salvador.
He has been formator of postulants from 1996 to 2001 in Valladolid, Master of Students from 2002 to 2006 in Salamanca, provincial official responsible for studies in the Province of Spain from 2008 to 2013 and socius of the Provincial of the Province of Spain from 2006 to 2015. Since November 2017, he has been Vice President of the Spanish Conference of Religious (Conferencia Española de Religiosos, CONFER). We commend to your prayers our brother’s service to the Order and to the Church.