- The missionary outlook of the Dominicans towards the most vulnerable
- First issue of the publication on indigenous peoples.
- A well-designed presentation for this new publication of missionary reflection.
Madrid, 4 March 2021. Selvas Amazónicas – Misioneros Dominicos is launching a new magazine format to show and analyse the reality that is lived in the different places where Dominicans are present among the poorest and most vulnerable.
The publication, which will have a print run of three issues per year, will release its first issue in March. With a careful layout, it aims to offer readers a better knowledge of the social and cultural reality of indigenous peoples and other deprived human groups.
Thanks to its formative character and the Order of Preachers’ great anthropological experience in the field, the magazine is particularly interested in defending the dignity and rights of the most disadvantaged in the reality of life in the missions. It thus contributes to the construction of a more solidary, committed and fraternal citizenship, sowing the seeds of dignity. The publication therefore aims to bring the reader closer to the cultural worlds of other continents where a large number of missionaries, religious and lay, are present: Uruguay, Paraguay, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, etc.
First issue: Indigenous Peoples

Each issue will have a monographic theme. The first issue of Selvas Amazónicas is dedicated to indigenous peoples. It includes in-depth articles, drawn from the experience of accompanying these peoples in different places, especially in the Amazonian forest. It includes the testimony of a Guatemalan Dominican woman from the Mayan Quiché people, an interview with the Peruvian indigenous leader Jovita Vásquez, a reflection on the cosmovision of the indigenous people of Paraguay and the rationale behind one of the projects carried out by Selvas Amazónicas.
Fr. Francisco Faragó, OP, director of the magazine, explained that “the new publication replaces the bimonthly bulletin, whose objective was to give an account of the reality of the Dominican missions and their projects in a brief and informal way. This project, which is more in-depth, intends to show, in the words of Pope Francis, “a Church that serves, that goes out of its homes, that goes out of its temples, that goes out of its sacristies, to accompany life, to support hope, to be a sign of unity […] to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow reconciliation”. Fratelli tutti n° 276/Homily, Minor Basilica of the Shrine “Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre”, Santiago de Cuba, Tuesday, 22 September 2015.
The magazine will be free for all members of the Dominican missionary entity, who will receive the paper edition in the next few days. At the same time, on the occasion of the new launch, Selvas Amazónicas is offering free of charge to anyone interested the possibility of receiving the digital version of the first issue of Pueblos Originarios through its web page.
Selvas Amazónicas – Misioneros Dominicos est entièrement financée par ses collaborateurs. Pour aider les missionnaires dominicains en devenant membre ou en vous abonnant à la nouvelle revue, vous pouvez contacter le bureau central de Selvas Amazónicas à Madrid. Le prix de l’abonnement annuel, qui comprend trois numéros, est de 15 euros pour les envois en Espagne et de 18 euros pour les envois internationaux.

Franck Péric
Alba Cruz