The Meeting of Dominican Cooperator Brothers in the Asia-Pacific Region took place from July 26-31 at the St. Martin Pastoral Center, Bien Hoa, Vietnam. This marked the first time such a conference was organized in the region, gathering brothers from the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea (part of the Australian Province), Taiwan, and Vietnam. The majority of attendees were Vietnamese brothers. Additionally, the event was assisted by the presence of Father Jamshed Albert Gill, OP, Socius for the Asia-Pacific Region, and Father Joseph Dinh Tien Hung, OP, Regent of Studies, who coordinated the program.
The theme of the conference was “Preacher of Grace: Renewing Our Call to Serve as Missionary Disciples.” During the conference, the brothers listened to presentations by two speakers: Brother Jordan Scott, OP, from the Vice-Province of Queen of China and Brother Joseph Trout, OP, from the Province of St. Albert the Great – USA. The topics covered included:
- Saint Martin and the Call to Service (presented by Brother Jordan Scott, OP)
- “The Order Doesn’t Need Brothers!” (presented by Brother Joseph Trout, OP)
- The Generic and Particular Work of the Brother (presented by Brother Joseph Trout, OP)
Through these presentations and mutual sharing, the brothers gained a deeper understanding of their special vocation within the Order and the specific missions they can contribute to.
The time at the conference passed quickly, providing the brothers with opportunities to exchange and share the spirit of the Order initiated by St. Dominic. Additionally, they learned many interesting things from the diverse cultures of the participating countries and the various missions undertaken by the brothers from different provinces. These experiences were truly valuable.
The brothers hope that the Order will continue to organize similar meetings in the future. They believe that, following this meeting, they will return to their daily work and missions with greater enthusiasm and a stronger conviction in their unique vocation.