Webinar: Finding a Response of the Dominican Family to the War in Ukraine

Reconciliation and the Challenges of Coexistence: the Example of Croatia in the Aftermath of the War of Independence

28th September 2024, 2-4pm (Zagreb/Rome time)

To consider the role of the Dominican Family in creating a new post-Ukrainian-war order in Europe
and to provide some ground-breaking pointers for the future, we are offering a series of webinars
to begin the reflection on different key topics.

The first webinar aims to learn from Croatia’s experience after the war of independence. It will take place on 28 September, 2-4pm (Rome/Zagreb time).

The conference is open to members of the Dominican Family and to those engaged in Dominican projects. To register, please send an email to dsi@curia.op.org with your name, provincial/congregational/Dominican affiliation before 21 September 2024.

Simultaneous translation will be available in English, French, Spanish, Croatian and Ukrainian.

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