Cardinal Frank Leo Celebrates the 28th Anniversary His Priestly Ordination with the Dominican Family

The new Cardinal presided the Eucharist in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva where he joined the Priestly Fraternity of St. Dominic 16 years ago.

On December 14th, 2024, Cardinal Frank Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, presided the Eucharist in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of his priestly ordination. He celebrated together with the Dominican Family, to which he has a strong bond, since he is a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Dominic. Indeed, he made his perpetual profession as a tertiary priest of the Order in the same Basilica on May 11th, 2008.

“I am happy to be here together with the Dominican Third Order because I too, by the grace of God, am a member of the Third Order of St. Dominic,” said Cardinal Leo in an interview published on the Facebook page of the Dominican Friars of the Roman Province of St. Catherine of Siena. “For me—he added—It has been a great joy to celebrate together, united by the charism of Saint Dominic, which continues to bear fruit even after more than eight centuries. He is an extraordinary saint who brings us to the essence of Jesus’ message: preaching for the salvation of souls. In this sense, due poverty, the importance of community life, of prayer, and of study, the importance of being children of the Church. I believe that St. Dominic was always faithful to that, always responding to the signs of the times, to the needs of the Church of the time, clarifying the dogma, to draw souls to Christ, including those who had been led astray by mistaken ideas.”

“The truth will set us free,” said Jesus. St. Dominic always preached this truth. Now, each one of us must do so, and every day be aware of the truth about who we are. The truth that we must always express with our words and live fully. It is a great joy, and I thank the Lord, the convent of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, the Dominican friars, and the Third Order for this unique opportunity to be together and praise the Lord. Saint Dominic, Saint Catherine, and all the saints are luminous; they are our guides, our brothers and sisters, showing us the way to holiness. Let us give thanks to the Lord, who has given us all these saints as protectors and companions on this shared path,” the Cardinal concluded.

“In the old Register of the Fraternity of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, I noted the reception and subsequent profession of Father Frank Leo, marking with an asterisk the Dominican Priestly Fraternity. He was the first priest I welcomed,” said Antonio Cocolicchio, OP, current Provincial of the Roman Province of St. Catherine of Siena, at the end of the celebration.

Source of the featured image of this post: ©Daniel Ibañez 2024 @dibanezgut

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