Dominican Month of Peace 2022

Rome, 29 October 2022

To all members of the Dominican Family 

Dominican Month of Peace 2022 

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Dominican Month of Peace for 2022 with will begin in about a month, from the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2022, through end of December 2022, with a focus on Myanmar. The Month of Peace is an excellent way for all entities of the Order to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Order who are struggling to relieve the marginalisation and persecution of various human populations (Ref. Tultenango #118). 

Our sisters and brothers in Myanmar have been subjected to atrocities and human rights violation which has gone unreported in the main media. Recently, the military broke into the Dominican Sisters convent in Loikaw and encamped there while others moved into the friars’ convent. Luckily, neither the sisters nor the friars were in the convents at the time. We understand that the soldiers ransacked the rooms and took whatever was valuable. 

We encourage you to publicize the Month of Peace to mark our solidarity with our Dominican Family in Myanmar, and to engage members of the Family within your entity, schools, parishes, other institutions, and friends. Please pray each week for our sisters and brothers in Myanmar who continue to face threat to their lives daily. We ask that you remember our sisters and brothers in Ukraine who also continue to face life-threatening situations and destruction of property. 

Webinars designed to raise awareness on the situation in Myanmar are planned for November and December. Details of the online seminar will be provided later. Please advertise the webinars and encourage participation of the Dominican Family, including friends. We hope that you would find a day to highlight the Month of Peace with a public celebration. 

To assist us in this process, our sisters and brothers in Myanmar have produced materials that include highlights of the current situation in Myanmar. Reflections on the Advent readings for every week will be available in Google Drive. These materials can be accessed in the language of your choice in the following Google Drive: Dominican Month for Peace 2022 – Google Drive. Feel free to adapt for your context and audience as you deem fit. 

To guarantee coordination and a smooth running of the events: 

  • Please appoint a coordinator for your entity to direct the events. 
  • If you have produced some material on the Month for Peace, please share it with the General Promoter of Justice and Peace, fr. Aniedi Okure, and the Sr. Durstyne Farnan
  • We ask that the Coordinator of the Month for Peace informs the General Promoter and DSIC Coordinator of the activities within your entity. 

How to send your Financial Contributions: 

Bank Information for Dominican Month of Peace 


Syndicus Ordinis 

Convento Santa Sabina, Piazza Pietro d’Illiria 1, 00153 Rome, Italy 

+39 06 57 940 209 – 7 +39 06 57 940 611 – 

Please remember to indicate in the purpose “MYANMAR” 

Datos para las transferencias. Utilícense el de EURO, principalmente. 

Données pour les transferts. S’il vous plaît utiliser l’EURO, essentiellement. 

Transfer information. Please use the EURO, primarily. 

Moneda/Monnaie/CurrencyEuro €$ DOLLAR USA / USD
Curia Generalizia dell’Ordine dei frati PredicatoriCuria Generalizia dell’Ordine dei frati Predicatori 
Banco/Banque/BankBPER Banca BPER Banca 
Dirección banco 
Adresse banque 
Bank address 
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 299, 00187 Roma (Italia/Italie/Italy)  Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 299, 00187 Roma (Italia/Italie/Italy)  
No de cuenta 
No du compte 
Account number 
0000 0000 1983  0000 880 72419  
IBAN  IT05 L 0538 703 222 0000 0000 1983 IT25 K 053 871 2916 0000 8807 2419 
Referencia —Motivo 
Référence—Règlement Reference —Purpose 
Quién paga y por qué 
Qui paie et pourquoi 
Who pays and why 
Quién paga y por qué 
Qui paie et pourquoi
Who pays and why 

Thank you for your cooperation and support of our Dominican Family in Myanmar. Remember that small deeds done with great love go a long way. God richly bless your efforts of solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Myanmar. 

In St. Dominic, 

fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP

Master of the Order

Sr. Durstyne Farnan,

DSIC Promoter

OP fr. Aniedi Okure, OP

General Promoter of Justice and Peace

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Contact info

 Piazza Pietro d'Illiria, 1 | 00153 Roma | Italy


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