Fr Edivaldo Antnio dos Santos, popularly known as Frei Bruno has been elected as the 5th Prior Provincial of the Province of Fr Bartholomew de las Casas, Brazil. His election has been confirmed by the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador and he has accepted the election and made the profession of faith. He succeeds fr Edmilson de Oliveira.
Frei Bruno was born in 1950. He made his first profession in the Order in 1978 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1981. After his ordination, he studied History at the Federal University of Gois (UFG). He has taught Church History in several colleges.
In the Province, he has been in the Pastoral Ministry and also in formation. Before his election, he was the Regent of Studies of the Province while also caring for the pro-novices. He was also the Superior of the community at Curitiba and the Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary of Bethlehem Parish.
(20 January 2014)