Fr Martin Ganeri, O.P. has been re-elected Prior Provincial of the Province of England

The Chapter of the Province of England have elected, for four more years, Fr Martin Ganeri as Prior Provincial. The Master of the Order, fr Gerard Francis TIMONER III, O.P. confirmed the election. Fr Martin Ganeri accepted the election and made the Profession of Faith, March 19, 2020.
Fr Martin taught at Heythrop College (London) and has published widely, especially in his speciality Hinduism. He studied Classics and Oriental Studies and took an MPhil in Indian Archaeology at Cambridge. He obtained a DPhil at Oxford University with a dissertation on The Vedantic Cosmology of Ramanuja & its Western Parallels.
Fr Martin lectures in World Religions at Blackfriars, Oxford focusing on Catholic approaches to other religions.
Publications of Fray Martín