Fr Gianni Festa is the new Postulator General of the Order

The Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador has appointed fr Gianni Festa as the new Postulator General of the Order for the next 6years. He is a son of the Province of St Dominic in Italy.
Fr Gianni was born in 1961 at Atessa, in the Province of Chieti, Italy. He entered the Order and made his simple profession of religious vows in 1982. At the completion of his basic studies and formation, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1988.
After his ordination, he did further studies in Church History in which he obtained a Doctorate. He also has a degree in Archival Studies and Palaeography. For many years, he has been the Director of the journal, Sacra Doctrina.
At the time of his appointment, he was the Prior of the Convent of Santa Maria delle grazie in Milan. He was also the Promoter of the Dominican Lay Fraternities in Milan.
The Office of the Postulator General of the Order is responsible for the promotion of the causes of beatification and canonization of members of the Order. In doing this, the office collaborates with the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Holy See. Fr Gianni succeeds fr Vito Toms Gomez Garcia who has just completed his tenure.

(21 November 2015)

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