Christus in vobis, spes gloriae
Colossenses 1:27
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
O Spem Miram! O Wonderful Hope! This is our hymn to St. Dominic, the father and first brother of our Order.
The usual images that evoke hope are a new-born baby, a brilliant dawn, flowers and fruits of spring time, depictions of new life and new beginnings. In this time of a global pandemic, perhaps the image that would surely spell hope would be a vetted vaccine for COVID 19! Thus, it might seem strange to others that our song of hope commemorates the moment when Dominic passed from this world, a time when the brothers have tears on their eyes instead of a smile on their lips – O spem miram quam dedisti mortis hora te flentibus. Dominic stirred hope in their hearts because he promised to continue to be helpful to the brothers and sisters, he vowed to intercede for us, and, therefore, to abide with us by his prayers. But this is just one side of the story. The presence of the praying brothers at the hour of his death must have also given hope to Dominic. At that final moment of human finitude, Dominic was not alone. The presence of the brothers and Dominic’s promised presence beyond death gave each of them hope and consolation.
- Please find attached letter of the MO (Prot 50/20/382) on the occasion of the Solemnity of St. Dominic. Please forward it to all your communities/regions.
Happy celebration of our Father!